I still have more questions

I have a million other questions!

What to bring? How do I exchange my money? Should I get any special shots? Is Guatemala dangerous? What about the water?

If you’re thinking about joining us but feel unsure, our North American workshop coordinator, Gina Alligood —a participant in Write by the Lake — will set up a phone conversation. If you end up coming on the retreat, Gina will help you choose your room or private casita (also your room at Panza Verde) and send you a very detailed list of answers to all these questions, and if you’ve got a question not covered on the list, we’ll answer that one too. But just for starters: You don’t need any shots. All drinking and cooking water on the property is filtered. Our property is very safe. (We haven’t lost a writer yet!) More on all of this if you join us.

But I’m not really a writer. I just like the sound of all this, and it’s exactly what I need after the year I’ve just had.

All you need is a story to tell. Your own. Joyce will take care of the rest.

To join us or find out more, e-mail our workshop coordinator Gina Alligood (writewithjoycemaynard@gmail.com)